Flash Tutorial Links

Most of the times I have been intrigued by the quality of flash based games and animations which appear on net and dazzle the netizens.I always thought of learning Adobe Flash (previously Macromedia flash) and to create my own animations and games. However,due to lack of good tutorials I wasn’t able to learn much about it and my bandwidth don’t permits me to download all the video tutorials the deviants of flash had to offer.So I have compiled a list of tutorials and resource website which offer fantastic flash resources and tutorials for those who crave for them.
I found these flash
actionscript tutorials while stumbling across the net.Many of them are game design, sound and server side specific.Others are more general.
I hope you enjoy them whilst making full use of them and most important,I hope you share your flash tutorial bookmarks too !!! 

 Cheers and keep learning ..


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