Hacking Vista Password

 This tutorial is quite simple and wont require so many steps...
All you need is BackTrack3,get it at 
Remote Exploit

First of, find a Vista computer, boot BackTrack 3 at it, then load it up and go into the console....

AutoCAD Tips & Tutorials

Creating JPEG and PNG files
Did you know that you can save a drawing in JPEG and PNG format for display on the Web? In Releases 2004 and later, use the JPGOUT or PNGOUT command. In AutoCAD 2000i and later, you can also create JPEGs using the Publish to Web feature. In Release 2000, use the following method.   Here I provide you with a complete tutorial. In short, you use one of the raster devices provided with AutoCAD 2000 and create a PC3 file for it in the Add-A-Plotter Wizard. Then you plot to a file. Here are the steps in detail to create the PC3 file:
  1. Open the drawing you want to save.
  2. Choose File > Plotter Manager to open the Plotters folder.

How to install Turbo C++ on Windows 7 64bit

Few days ago we have posted an article about installing Turbo C++ on 32 bit Windows 7. Now we are providing step-by-step procedure how to install Turbo C++ on 64 bit Windows 7.
1. Install the software DOSBox ver 0.73 : download here
2. Create a folder,for example „Turbo“ (c:\Turbo\)
3. Download and extract TC into the Turbo folder (c:\Turbo\): download here
4. Run the DOSBox 0.73 from the icon located on the desktop:

How to remove Windows XP splash Screen and See Boot Operations

Are you having boot up problems and would like to know what it going on behind that Windows Loading Logo? To find out, you can disable the splash screen by making a small change to the Boot.ini file. Maybe you can get a hint or two by viewing what has messed up your OS or just for curiosity,once can disableWindows logo screen and  view boot operations.

Complete list of Win XP/XP cmd

  1. ADDUSERS Add or list users to/from a CSV file
  2. ARP Address Resolution Protocol
  3. ASSOC Change file extension associations
  4. ASSOCIAT One step file association
  5. AT Schedule a command to run at a later time
  6. ATTRIB Change file attributes
  7. BOOTCFG Edit Windows boot settings
  8. BROWSTAT Get domain, browser and PDC info
  9. CACLS Change file permissions
  10. CALL Call one batch program from another
  11. CD Change Directory - move to a specific Folder
  12. CHANGE Change Terminal Server Session properties
  13. CHKDSK Check Disk - check and repair disk problems
  14. CHKNTFS Check the NTFS file system
  15. CHOICE Accept keyboard input to a batch file

Recovering Scratched CD's

Here's an easy home remedy, which might give you the desired results. Rub a small amount of toothpaste on the scratch and polish the CD with a soft cloth and any petroleum-based polishing solution (like clear shoe polish). Squirt a drop of Brasso and wipe it with a clean cloth. 
Technology to the rescue:
There are many softwares available on the net, which enable the recovery of the CD data. BadCopy Pro is one such software, which can be used to recover destroyed data and files from a range of media. 
Just a few clicks is all it requires to recover the disc from almost all kind of damage situation; be it corrupted, lost data, unreadable or defective.
 is another popular company, which offers both software and solutions to recover data from a scratched CDs and DVDs 
General Tips:
 Always wipe the CD from the center outward with straight spoke-like strokes. Wiping CDs in circles will create more scratches. 
 Do not scratch the graphics layer as you cannot repair the disc. 
 Hold the disc up to a light with the graphics layer facing the light source. If you can see light thru the scratches at any point then the disc may be irreparable and or exhibit loading or playing errors. 
 Clean your Disc players lens regularly with a suitable product to ensure optimal viewing pleasure. 
 Make sure to use a soft, lint-free cloth to clean both sides of the disc. Wipe in a straight line from the centre of the disc to the outer edge. 
 If wiping with a cloth does not remove a fingerprint or smudge, use a specialized DVD disc polishing spray to clean the disc.

'World's sexiest hacker' to appear in court

A glamorous young Russian woman alleged to have assisted a gang of computer hackers who stole $3 million (£1.9 million) in an internet banking fraud is due to appear in court on Thursday.

Kristina Svechinskaya, 21, is accused of working as a "money mule" for the eastern European gang. She faces up to 40 years in prison if convicted.
Miss Svechinskaya, who was arrested in New York earlier this month, is one of 37 people charged over the alleged fraud, in which hackers allegedly broke into people's computers to steal their money.

Windows XP Speed Hacks

Tired of your slow window installation ? Has your PC been slowed to death lately ? Follow these steps and make it fast and furious again..
Services You Can Disable
There are quite a few services you can disable from starting automatically.This would be to speed up your boot time and free resources. They are only suggestions so I suggestion you read the description of each one when you run Services and that you turn them off one at a time .Some possibilties are:

25 Windows Hidden Tools You Seldom Use

Are you a Windows XP User ? How many utilities do you know that is built-in Windows XP ? Notepad, Wordpad, Character Map, Calculator, Microsoft Paint, these are the few utilities that I usually use.But out of blue,Windows Xp is a fully loaded package which has a lot of apparently hidden utilities which are seldom accessed by a basic or normal computer users ; and trust me,they still pack a lot of punch. 
To run any of these apps go to Start > Run and type the executable name (i.e. charmap) and press Enter.

Test Your Antivirus Installation

After installing an Antivirus, you may logically wonder, how do I know if it's working ? The answer is a test virus. The EICAR Standard AntiVirus Test File is a combined effort by anti-virus vendors throughout the world to implement one standard by which customers can verify their anti-virus installations. 

To test your
 installation, copy the following line into its own file, then save the file with the name EICAR.COM. More detailed instructions are found below. 

Surf Blocked Websites Using Softwares

"Browse the world without any limit for free with safety" New revolution in the field of proxy, simple to use and faster. No more slot limitations, time limits, geographical limits, bandwidth problems in same old proxies. Switch to UltraSurf 8.9 

Hacker5 – India’s First Hacking Magazine

As my friend Mr.Rishab(Member of cyberarmy and Magazine)             invited me to  HACKER5  MAGAZINE  NATIONWIDE RELEASE  at Chandigarh Sec.27 press club.I have also some work at chandigarh & avid to attend this  that’s why went there wid my friendz Gaurav and Gippy.(They really supports and alwayz encourage me, in my any kind of work.Thankz folks.)You can also buy this magazine from your nearby book store.This magazine has contents related to Security,What is CyberWar? and lotz of articles related to  that stuff.

 Chandigarh Press Club 


Hacker5 – India’s First Hacking Magazine

Newsmakers Broadcasting & Communication Pvt. Ltd is coming up with a niche magazine based on the cyber happenings which is the need of today in the IT industry which is touted as the first Hackers magazine of India . The magazine ‘Hacker5' would be launched on 7th October, 2010 at Chandigarh Press Club, Sector 27, Chandigarh, Punjab.

Hack Google with Google Hacks

Here comes the rescue tool for the lazy - Google Hacks is a compilation of carefully crafted Google searches that expose novel functionality from Google's search and map services. You can use it to view a timeline of your search results, view a map, search for music, search for books, and perform many other specific kinds of searches. You can also use this program to use Google as a proxy.As the website itself says,GoogleHacks is A compact utility for several google hacks. Although its not good as the Gooscan-a far superior tool to scan for vulnerabilities in web,its well worth a try.

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