Automatic SQL Injection Tool – SQLMAP

Sqlmap is an open source command-line automatic SQL injection tool and its goal is to detect and take advantage of SQL injection vulnerabilities in webapplications. Once it detects one or more SQL injections on the target host, the user can choose among a variety of options to perform an extensive back-end database management system fingerprint, retrieve DBMS session user and database, enumerate users, password hashes, privileges, databases, dump entire or user’s specified DBMS tables/columns, run his own SQL statement, read or write either text or binary files on the file system, execute arbitrary commands on the operating system, establish an out-of-band stateful connection between the attacker box and the database server via Metasploit payload stager, database stored procedure buffer overflow exploitation or SMB relay attack and more.Enthusiastics can experiment with its opotions and pwn many of the servers around,or can test their skills to secure their servers..but remember,SQL map is a tool,its might help you to find and apply vulnerabilities and injections,but in the end,you really must have a good knowledge of SQL some real pwning out there..
You Can download sqlmap 0.7 here:
Linux Source: sqlmap-0.7.tar.gz 
Windows Portable:

Flash Tutorial Links

Most of the times I have been intrigued by the quality of flash based games and animations which appear on net and dazzle the netizens.I always thought of learning Adobe Flash (previously Macromedia flash) and to create my own animations and games. However,due to lack of good tutorials I wasn’t able to learn much about it and my bandwidth don’t permits me to download all the video tutorials the deviants of flash had to offer.So I have compiled a list of tutorials and resource website which offer fantastic flash resources and tutorials for those who crave for them.
I found these flash
actionscript tutorials while stumbling across the net.Many of them are game design, sound and server side specific.Others are more general.
I hope you enjoy them whilst making full use of them and most important,I hope you share your flash tutorial bookmarks too !!! 

NSDECODER – automatic Malware detection tool

Nosec has introduced NSDECODER which is a automated website malware detection tools. It can be used to decode and analyze weather the URL exist malware. Also, NSDECODER will analyze which vulnerability been exploit and the original source address of malware.

  • Automated analyze and detect website malware.
  • Plenty of vulnerabilities.
  • Log export support HTML and TXT format.
  • Deeply analyze JavaScript. 

Make a simple Trojan in VB

Visual Basic is an easy programming language.So easy that most of advanced programmers don't even compare it to behemoths like C/Pascal/C++/PERL etc.But it seriously packs punch due to its ease in programming and predefined procedures.Earlier wrote on how to lock keyboard and mouse using VB. This time I will be discussing on how to write a simple trojan in VB .Writing a Trojan is a lot easier than most people think. All it really involves is two simple applications both with fewer than 100 lines of code. The first application is the client or the program that one user knows about. The second is the server or the actual “trojan” part. I will now go through what you need for both and some sample code. 

Hide Your Files In A JPEG

Well, did you know you could hide your files in a JPEG file? For this, you will only need to download WinRAR. You just need to have a little knowledge about Command Prompt and have WinRAR installed.

Ok, lets begin…
1.    Gather all the files that you wish to hide in a folder anywhere in your PC (make it in C:\hidden - RECOMMENDED).
2.    Now, add those files in a RAR archive (e.g. secret.rar). This file should also be in the same directory (C:\hidden).
3.    Now, look for a simple JPEG picture file (e.g. logo.jpg). Copy/Paste that file also in C:\hidden.
4.    Now, open Command Prompt (Go to Run and type ‘cmd‘). Make your working directory C:\hidden.
5.    Now type: “COPY /b logo.jpg + secret.rar output.jpg” (without quotes) - Now, logo.jpg is the picture you want to show, secret.rar is the file to be hidden, and output.jpg is the file which contains both. :D
6.    Now, after you have done this, you will see a file output.jpg in C:\hidden. Open it (double-click) and it will show the picture you wanted to show. Now try opening the same file with WinRAR, it will show the hidden archive...
This hack will allow you to hide files in jpegs's without software installed.

Favorite timepass – bashing charlatans at Attrition.Org

While I am not messing up with my pc, watching AVGN, or reading wikipedia, I prefer to be at Attrition.Org which in my opinion is the best place to hangout after any LUG. For those who don't know about Attrition.Org, its basically a “hobby site” that focuses on computer security and mocks the revered security researchers who are basically frauds with illiterate whoring media on their side.


llo Hello everybody! I am here to show you this magical tool called Metasploit that allows you to hack ANY unpatched computer with only it's IP. Lets begin...

1.) First you need to download Metasploit. The most up-to-date version is 

2.) You need PostgrSQL for your database. Download here: Make sure you use all the defaults or Metasploit woun't work!
3.) Now lets get down to buisness... After installing both tools, open up the PostgrSQL admin gui (start -> all programs -> PostgreSQL 9.0 -> pgAdmin III). Then right-click on your server (in the left hand box) and click connect. Remember to keep this window open the whole time. You will also need the pass you chose to use in step 5...

Setting up your computer for hacking

You have to collect some of the tools, Operating System & documentation on your PC with a very clear format.
Operating System:
Which OS to use, choice is all yours. Windows in all cases is not so ‘made for hacking’ according to me. Whatever XP,Vista or windows 7. They are all just OS which are made for novice public which can learn computers.

Hack orkut, facebook any account using cookie stealer

Cookies stores all the necessary Information about one’s account , using this information you can hack anybody’s account and change his password. If you get the Cookies of the Victim you can Hack any account the Victim is Logged into i.e. you can hack Google, Yahoo, Orkut, Facebook, Flickr etc.
What is a CookieLogger?
A CookieLogger is a Script that is Used to Steal anybody’s Cookies and stores it into a Log File from where you can read the Cookies of the Victim.
Today I am going to show How to make your own Cookie Logger…Hope you will enjoy Reading it …

Crack wifi passwords in less than 4 minutes


-WEP stands for Wired Equivalent Privacy
-WEP is used to secure wireless networks from eavesdroppers
-WEP usually takes hours to crack

WEP has always been a long and tedious job, untill recently, when two FBI agents demonstrated how it´s possible to crack WEP in under 4 minutes (3 to be exact).

Here is how they did it:

Keep Files Private

Keep Files Private

If you want to encrypt the contents of an individual file or directory, Windows XP Pro will do the trick, provided you enable NTFS on your hard drive. To encrypt a file, right-click on it to bring up the Properties window. Click on the Advanced button, then in the Advanced Attributes dialog box click on Encrypt contents to secure data. This will encrypt the file (using either DES, which employs a 56-bit key on each 64-bit block of data, or 3DES, which uses a 56-bit key three times on each 64-bit block of data), and it will provide a certificate just for you. This certificate is key; if you reinstall Windows or otherwise lose your user account, your access to the encrypted files will be gone, too. You need to export your certificates to back them up: For detailed instructions, search on export certificate in Windows Help.

Windows XP does not require you to enter your password when you open the encrypted file. Once you log on to a session, encrypted files are available for you—and anyone who walks up to your system—to view.

Windows XP Home doesn't support this method. Both XP Home and XP Pro, however, let you create password-protected compressed files. To do this, right-click on the desired file and choose Send To | Compressed (zipped) Folder. Open the resulting folder and select Add a Password from the File menu; delete the original file. Note that this encryption is relatively weak. It should dissuade casual users but won't put up much of a fight against someone determined to hack it apart.

wifi laptop Hotspot

Hello Folks found this interesting article on internet do tell me whether it works or not.
This article will help you convert your Windows XP and Vista based laptop in a Wireless HotSpot. One you setup your laptop as HotSpot then you do not need a router, switch, hub, etc… to form a network, in fact other laptops or PC’s can connect or access the internet through this newly created HotSpot

What do I need to set a HotSpot?

1. Active Cable Internet
2. Laptop
3. WiFi on Laptop
4. Wired net connection

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