ok..... here are the full details.....

this works whether its windows 2000 or windows xp or windows xp SP1 or SP2 or windows server 2003....

this works even if syskey encryption is employed...

if it is FAT filesystem...

just copy the sam file like stated in the first post to an empty floppy disk and take it home. I'll tell u what to do with it later... DON'T DELETE THE ORIGINAL SAM FILE. just remove its attributes. the sam file is a file called SAM with no extension. YOU MUST ALSO GET.... a file called SYSTEM which is in the same folder as SAM. both files have no extensions...

if it is NTFS....

u have to download a program called NTFSPro.... it allows u to read from ntfs drives... the demo version allows read only. the full version is read-write.... you use the program to create an unbootable disk (so u will still need another bootable disk and an empty disk) that has the required files to access NTFS.

use the boot disk to get into dos, then use the disks created with ntfspro to be able to access the filesystem, then copy the SAM and SYSTEM files to another empty disk to take home....

AT HOME: u have to get a program called SAMInside. it doesn't matter if it is demo version. SAMInside will open the SAM file and extract all the user account information and their passwords, including administrator. SAMInside will ask for the SYSTEM file too if the computer you took the SAM file from has syskey enabled. syskey encrypts the SAM file. SAMInside uses SYSTEM file to decrypt the SAM file. After SAMInside finishes, u still see user accounts and hashes beside them. the hashes are the encoded passwords. Use SAMInside to export the accounts and their hashes as a pwdump file into another program, called LophtCrack. it is currently in version 5, it is named LC5. the previous version, LC4 is just as good. u need the full or cracked version of the program. LC5 uses a brute force method by trying all possible combinations of letters numbers, and unprintable characters to find the correct password from the hashes in the pwdump file imported into it from SAMInside. This process of trying all passwords might take 5 minutes if the password is easy, up to a year if the password is long and hard (really really hard). LC5 howver, unlike LC4, is almost 100 times faster. both can be configured to try dictionary and common words before using all possible combinations of everything. Once the correct password is found, it will display the passwords in clear beside each account, including administrator.

I use this method so many times. I've compromised the whole school computer infrastructure. LC4 usually took between 1 second and 10 minutes to find the passwords because they were common words found in any english dictionary. I haven't used LC5 yet.

If there is anything unclear, anything I overlooked, plz tell me so that I can turn this into a very easy to follow tutorial to help anybody crack any windowz pass.

Programs needed: SAMInside (doesn't matter which version or if demo)
LC4 or LC5 (lophtcrack)( must be full version)
NTFSPro (doesn't matter if demo)
any bootdisk maker

Cracked or full version software can be found on any warez site. If u don"t know what that is or where to get the programs, post a message and I'll tell u or give them to u.

P.S: I might not keep track of this forum, because I'm going to create a new topic and post tutorial there. if u want to post, plz post there.

How to fix Windows Installer problem

 Do you experience this kind of problem whenever you attemp to install an application in windows box (2k, xp)?

"The Windows Installer service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance."

The ms website knowledge article 324516 gives 2 methods as a way of fixing this problem, but you might be very lucky if any of the 2 fixes the problem, alot of guys end up formating their systems and doing fresh windows installations or try wired ways of fixing it.

Well, the solution is very easy:

1. right click your root windows installation drive i.e drive where you installed windows
2. click properties at the bottom
3. select security tab
4. click Add and scroll down to SYSTEM account click add and click OK.
5. allow Full control permission and click Apply and then Ok.

This should solve your problem with windows installer.

Send message through command prompt with ip

It is easy to send messages through cmd prompt to other systems here is the answer

first we have to set our systems messenger ACTIVE for that follow these steps

1. goto RUN

2. type services.msc

3. scrolldown and give RIGHT click on MESSENGER

4. select PROPERTIES

5. then for enabling it go to STARTUP TYPE and select AUTOMATIC

6. then OK

and this should be performed on both sides (SENDER & RECIEVER)

after that if u want to send message then do the following steps

1. goto
cmd prompt

2. type syntax as follows

net send ipaddress of reciever "message to be send"

net send "hello"

How To Find Serial Numbers On Google

ok, this is a little trick that i usually use to find cd keys with google.

if your looking for a serial number for nero (for example) goto and type nero 94FBR and it'll bring it up

this works great in google


Quite simple really. 94FBR is part of a Office 2000 Pro cd key that is widely distributed as it bypasses the activation requirements of Office 2K Pro. By searching for the product name and 94fbr, you guarantee two things.

1)The pages that are returned are pages dealing specifically with the product you're wantinga serial for.

2)Because 94FBR is part of a serial number, and only part of a serial number, you guarantee that any page being returned is a serial number list page.

I hope this trick help you finding your ccd keys easily

Enjoy :)

How to find a remote IP

How to find a remote IP

Method 1

To view someone's IP# when they send you hotmail email do this:
1) Click "Options" on the upper right side of the page.
2) On the left side of the page, Click "Mail"
3) Click "Mail Display Settings"
4) Under "Message Headers" select "Full" or "Advanced"
5) Click ok

Method 2
reg a dydns account and install the ip pointer, so each time you ping the host name you regestored

for example:
you regestor the host name, then you keep a little software running on the target host. The little software will keep update your IP to server.

so at your pc just start cmd, and ping, it will give you the most updated ip address.

Method 3
neverender, what doesn't work for you? Simply type in nc -vvv -l -p 80 on your box, which will set it to listen in verbose mode on port 80. Then give them a link to your IP address (for example: and tell them to type it in their browser. The browser should resolve the address as well as append port 80 automatically. Just make sure that your friend is not very computer literate.

Method 4
Just download a very simple server such as this one and install it on your comp. Then run it and give your ip to the person you want and tell them to connect to it through a browser. Your server will log their connection and you will get their IP.


Other Ways and make a "spy poll" to put in ur profile, this will tell u the IP of anybody who answers ur poll there is a page for doin it (i dont like it, but it works)
-or irc

Here is a more detailed tutorial about using NetCat.

Windows users can download NetCat from here:

HOWTO Change Windows XP Home to Windows XP Pro

 HOWTO Change Windows XP Home to Windows XP Pro

We can’t vouch for this hack, because we are too lazy to try it (and we never, ever violate copyrights or EULAs), but kind reader Martin explains the process for turning an Windows XP Home install disc to a Windows XP Pro disc after the jump.

It sounds pretty simple to do (just some registry changes), but you can’t install Service Pack 2, so you might try to slipstream in the changes to your modified install disc (if that’s even possible).

Alternately, buy XP Pro, or get a Mac.

    yes indeed, you can’t change an installed Windows but only your Installation CD (or even a recovery CD in case the manufacturer had not left out important parts)

    Here’s the detailed breakdown you asked for.

    1. Copy the root directory and the i386 directory of the WindowsXP CD
    to your harddisk
    2. Extract the Bootsector of your WindowsXP CD
    3. Change 2 Bytes in i386\ :
    a) Open Regedit
    b) Highlight HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
    c) Menu: File -> Load Structure -> i386\
    d) Assign an arbitrary name to the imported structure e.g. “Homekey”
    e) Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Homekey\ControlSet001\Services\setupdd
    f) edit the binary key “default” and change “01” to “00” and “02” to
    g) Highlight “Homekey” and select menu: File -> unload structure
    4. Burn your new XP Pro CD
    5. Install WindowsXP as usual. Your XP Home Key will work.

    Note: You cannot apply SP2 to such a WindowsXP Pro, so step 1.b)
    might be to integrate SP2 in your Installation CD

    Please check the menu-entries as I don’t owe an English copy of
    XP and have to guess them.

how to burn quicker in windows xp

  windows xp has burning software built in which can cause problems sometimes when burning with other programs.

you can turn windows xp burning tool off like this.

Go to "administrative tools" in the control panel.

In the "services" list, disable the IMAPI CD-Burning COM service.

How To Block Websties Without Software, block websites

How To Block Websties Without Software, block websites


1] Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
2] Find the file named "HOSTS"
3] Open it in notepad
4] Under " localhost" Add , and that site will no longer be accessable.
5] Done!

-So- localhost

--> is now unaccessable<--

For every site after that you want to add, just add "1" to the last number in the internal ip ( and then the addy like before.



How to Back Up the Registry

Before you edit the registry, export the keys in the registry that you plan to edit, or back up the whole registry. If a problem occurs, you can then follow the steps how-to restore the registry to its previous state.

How to Export Registry Keys

Click Start, and then click Run.

In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.

On the File menu, click Export.

In the Save in box, select the boxs at the bottom the bottom according to weather you want to export all or only selected branches of the registry.

Next select a location in which to save the backup .reg file. In the File name box, type a file name, and then click Save.

How to Restore the Registry

To restore registry keys that you exported, double-click the .reg file that you saved.

How To Add Your Own Windows Tips

Are you sick of seeing the same tips again and again when you first logon to Windows? Now you can change them to whatever you want, whether it's quotes, jokes or a to-do list, anything is possible.

Open your registry and find the key below.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer\ Tips

Create a new string valued named by incrementing the existing value names and set it to the required tip text.

eg. 32 - Dont forget to Visit

How Long Has Your System Been Running?

Here's how you verify system uptime:

Click Start | Run and type cmd to open a command prompt.
At the prompt, type systeminfo

Scroll down the list of information to the line that says System Up Time.

This will tell you in days, hours, minutes and seconds how long the system has been up.

Note that this command only works in XP Pro, not in XP Home. You can, however, type net statistics workstation at the prompt in Home. The first line will tell you the day and time that the system came online.

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