Google Hacking

Basic Operators:-
1) And (+) :- This operator is used to include multiple terms in a query which is to be searched in google.
example:- if we type "hacker+yahoo+science" in google search box and click search, it will reveal the results something which are related to all the three words simultaneously i.e. hacker, yahoo and science.

2 ) OR (|) :- The OR operator, represented by symbol( | ) or simply the word OR in uppercase letters, instructs google to locate either one term or another term in a query.

3) NOT :-
It is opposite of AND operator, a NOT operator excludes a word from search.
example:- If we want to search websites containing the terms google and hacking but not security then we enter the query like "google+hacking" NOT "security".

Advanced Operators:-
1) Intitle :- This operator searches within the title tags.
examples:- intitle:hacking returns all pages that have the string "hacking" in their title.
intitle:"index of" returns all pages that have string "index of" in their title.
Companion operator:- "allintitle".

2) Inurl :- Returns all matches, where url of the pages contains given word.
example:- inurl:admin returns all matches, where url of searched pages must contains the word "admin".
Companion operator:- "allinurl".

3) Site :- This operator narrows search to specific website. It will search results only from given domain. Can be used to carry out information gathering on specific domain.
example:- will find results only from the domain

4) Link :- This operator allows you to search for pages that links to given website.
Here, each of the searched result contains asp links to

5) Info :- This operator shows summary information for a site and provides links to other google searches that might pertain to that site.

6) Define :- This operator shows definition for any term.
example:- define:security
It gives various definitions for the word "security" in different manner from all over the world.

7) Filetype :- This operator allows us to search specific files on the internet. The supported file types can be pdf, xls, ppt, doc, txt, asp, swf, rtf, etc..
example:- If you want to search for all text documents presented on domain then we enter the query something like following.
" filetype:txt"
Some of the most powerful and very effective google search queries
are added on  Google Dorks!  page.
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