As the safety and convenience of the users is our first priority, the most prominent features of UltraSurf 8 are that it has implemented a complex proxy with complete transparency and a high level of encryption on the Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) platform. UltraSurf 8 enables users to browse any website freely just the same as using the regular IE browser while it automatically searches the highest speed proxy servers in the background.
UltraSurf 8 implements almost all browser functions based on HTTP and user needs, such as browsing websites, login and posting on web forums, using Web mail, uploading and downloading data files, real time audio, video and other multimedia programs, etc. Please refer to the “UltraSurf 8 Users Guide” for detailed information.
UltraSurf 8 is a green software, which means no installation process is needed nor system setting is required to change when using the software. It is simply an executable on Windows platform.
Download the UltraSurf 8 client software now
Download Ultrasurf
Download the UltraSurf 6 User Guide in English at:
Download Ultrasurf userguide
Note:The English version is for ultrasurf 6.You may use it as the reference for current version ultrasurf 8.
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