I found this whilst stumbling through net,It seemed to me a very useful known trick but still worthwhile to post ithere.When you or someone else enters an incorrect login multiple times then Yahoo! locks the account for "security reasons" and you are unable to access your chat names. Cool thing is that, these are a piece of cake to unlock. All you need is a list of Yahoo servers to log in with. Every time you login, you are using what's called a server to access yahoo. You login with a cookie, which is sort of like an information packet or ID proving that you are who you claim to be, and the account is yours.
When people attempt to log your name in multiple times with a locking tool, all they are doing is logging in over and over with an incorrect passworduntil your cookie expires, which means you will no longer be allowed to login. So, when you find yourself locked, what you need to do is refresh your cookie. But how can you do that when the yahoo server you were using has blocked you?
Simple, find another server. Yahoo has servers all over the place. There are more than I'd care to count. I'll include a pretty decent sized list with thistutorials. All you have to do is paste one of these servers in your browser and log in on the page you see. Unless you have been locked on that server as well, you will receive a fresh cookie and will be able to log in to messenger again.
Tons of people try to go through their email and login there to unlock an account, but a smart locker will shut down your mail server first, then cut off your chat server. Most people don't know what to do if the email is blocked, so they give up trying. That's why I don't even bother with the email method. I simply pick another server, log in, and I'm good to go. There are so many servers out there that it is impossible to lock them all. Even if they could, the lock is only for about 12 hours, and then you're back in business.
Some Yahoo Servers :
- http://cn.mail.yahoo.com/?id=77070 CHINA
- http://edit.india.yahoo.com/config/mail?.intl=in INDIA
- http://edit.europe.yahoo.com/config/mail?.intl=uk EUROPE/UK
- http://login.yahoo.com/config/mail?.intl=cf FRENCH CANADIAN
- http://my.yahoo.co.jp/ JAPAN
- http://login.yahoo.com/config/login USA
Yahoo Chat Logins :
- http://hk.chat.yahoo.com/?myHome HK
- http://tw.chat.yahoo.com/?myHome Taiwan
- http://in.chat.yahoo.com/?myHome India
- http://chat.yahoo.co.jp/?myHome Japan
- http://chat.yahoo.co.jp/?myHome Korea
- http://sg.chat.yahoo.com/?myHome Singapore
- http://chinese.chat.yahoo.com/?myHome Chinese
- http://cn.chat.yahoo.com/?myHome China
- http://asia.chat.yahoo.com/?myHome Asia
- http://au.chat.yahoo.com/?myHome Australia & Nz
- http://dk.chat.yahoo.com/ Denmark
- http://fr.docs.yahoo.com/chat/chatbylycos.html France
- http://de.docs.yahoo.com/chat/chatbylycos.html Germany
- http://it.docs.yahoo.com/chat/chat.html Italy
- http://no.chat.yahoo.com/ Norway
- http://es.docs.yahoo.com/chat/chatbylycos.html Spain
- http://se.chat.yahoo.com/ Sweden
- http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/chat/chatbylycos.html Uk & Ireland
- http://ar.chat.yahoo.com/?myHome Argentina
- http://br.chat.yahoo.com/?myHome Brazil
- http://espanol.chat.yahoo.com/?myHome South America
- http://mx.chat.yahoo.com/?myHome Mexico
- http://ca.chat.yahoo.com/?myHome Canada
- http://world.yahoo.com/ World of yahoo
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